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Membership Options

  • Unlimited Breathe Hot Yoga

    Every month
    Monthly Subscription
    • Unlimited access to all weekly classes
    • No Fixed Term. Cancel/Pause any time in your account
  • 5 Class Pass Breathe Hot Yoga

    Valid for 6 months
    • Attend 5 x 60-minute classes from our weekly timetable
  • Online Classes

    Every month
    Monthly Subscription
    • Access to 3 classes per week (45 - 60 mins each)
    • Practice on whatever times and days suit your schedule
    • Classes are refreshed weekly
  • Online Gentle Class

    Every month
    Access to an online Gentle Yoga class all week
    • Monthly Rolling Membership
    • On Demand access to the class all week
    • Class refreshes every Friday
  • 1 Week Online Access

    7 Day Membership for online classes
    Valid for one week
    • Access to 2 Vinyasa flow and 1 Gentle Class all week
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